• Here at Yellow Finch Learning Company, it is our mission to provide learning materials that use evidenced based practices. 

    The following evidence based practices are applied in the Sound Tales Series:

    Auditory bombardment: The child listens to a target sound over and over in a variety of contexts, but is not required to repeat the sound. Auditory Bombardment is a listening
    task that eliminates the pressure of verbal imitation. The character of Sophie Snake has been specifically written to help provide auditory bombardment.

    Minimal Pairs and Phoneme Substitution: A minimal pair is a set of two words that are the same except for one sound (not one letter, one sound). This is similar to rhyming, but the sound can be present anywhere in the word. For example, the words Mouth and Mouse are minimal pairs (m-ow-th and m-ow-s). The words Sun and Fun are also minimal pairs (s-uh-n and f-uh-n). When children use minimal pairs, they improve their ability to hear the difference between sounds, as well as understand the impact that different sounds can have on word meaning. Minimal pairs also help develop phonemic awareness skills through a practice called phoneme substitution. As children figure out the secret message, they are actually practicing minimal pairs and phoneme substitution.

    Visual Feedback: Visual feedback is when a child is able to physically see a result of their attempts at sound production. In this book, the use of a mirror helps kids make sure that their tongue is not sticking out while trying to make an S sound.

    Hitchcock ER, Swartz MT, Lopez M. Speech Sound Disorder and Visual Biofeedback Intervention: A Preliminary Investigation of Treatment Intensity. Semin Speech Lang. 2019 Mar;40(2):124-137. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1677763. Epub 2019 Feb 22. PMID: 30795023.
    Remediation of Phonological Disorders in Preschool Age Children: Evidence for the Cycles Approach 
    Hassink, J. M., & Wendt, O. (2010).
    EBP Briefs, 5(2), 1-7.
    Baker, E. (2010). Minimal pair intervention. In A.L. Williams, S. McLeod & R.J. McCauley (Eds.), Interventions for speech sound disorders in children (pp. 41-72). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.

    For more information on our mission at Yellow Finch Learning Company check out these links:

    The Science of Reading

    The Importance of Phonemic Awareness in Learning to Read

    Push In Therapy 

    Dyslexia and Language Disorders

  • Science of Reading

    The Science of Reading is an ever-evolving body of research that teaches us how the brain learns to read. The research is used to point educators in the right direction for how they teach and assess reading skills.

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  • Collaborative Approach

    The Sound Tales Series was created collaboratively between an SLP and an Elementary School Teacher. It was intentionally designed to partner SLP approaches to speech sound disorders and teacher approaches to literacy.

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